“The National Smallbore Outdoor Rifle Championships, born in the aftermath of World War I, celebrates its Centennial this year. Since 1919, smallbore competitors have gathered 94 times at seven locations to contest for the champion’s laurels.” (Hap Rocketto for Shooting Sports USA). 2019 marks the 100-year anniversary of the NRA Smallbore Championships — the Centennial of this historic rifle competition.
Over the past 100 years many things have changed including the course of fire. In the 1920s, “The shooting program would have modern-day competitors scratching their heads. There was an à la carte menu of matches, which were shot at 50 and 100 yards and with re-entry matches a regular feature. There was a good deal of long-range shooting at 150, 175 and 200 yards. On occasion there was a position match but, by and large, the courses-of-fire were all prone.” READ History of Smallbore Championships.
» READ Complete NRA Smallbore Championship 2019 Program
The Championships are limited to 200 competitors per Championship (Metric 3-P, Conventional 3-P and Conventional Prone). Competitors MUST have a current NRA Classification Card. Competitors will receive squadding after registration and payment of entry fee; a confirmation will be sent confirming registration and squadding. Shooters who wish to shoot near each other must register together.
Situated just 10 miles away from Elkhart, Indiana, the Wa-Ke’-De Rifle Range is located on Highway 120 just a mile and a half east of Bristol. Nestled among pine trees, the range boasts 100 covered firing points laid out on an asphalt firing line.
The 2019 Smallbore Rifle Championship will be held at the Wa-Ke’-De Range in Bristol, Indiana.
» CLICK HERE for National Smallbore Rifle Championships INFO
Recent Move from Camp Perry to Indiana
After many years at Camp Perry, Ohio, the Smallbore Championships event was relocated to Indiana to accommodate the World Long Range Shooting Championships at Perry. The move was made in 2014 to the St. Joseph Valley Rifle and Pistol Association’s Wa-Ke’-De Range, Bristol, Indiana. There will be yet another move in 2020 — the NRA smallbore championship will be held in Camp Atterbury Indiana. So, in 2020 the Smallbore Championship will once again be held alongside the High Power Rifle and Pistol National Championships, with three events at Camp Atterbury.
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