Two new 50m rimfire 40-shot group size records were set last week at the Eley test range in Fellbach (Stuttgart), Germany. This range employs an electronic target system that automatically calculates shot placement with great precision. The rifles are secured in clamping fixtures during testing. On January 21st, a new 13.2 mm record was set, follow by an even-better 12.4 mm record (that’s 0.488″). The previous record was 13.3 mm set in 2007.
Before we go further, we need to explain how these 40-shot records are determined. The record is not 40 shots fired in one single, continuous string at a single target. Instead the record is based on the software-calculated “consolidated” group size of four, separate 10-shot groups. Software at the Eley test range is capable of over-laying four, 10-shot groups so they appear as one large “consolidated” group. These “consolidated” 40-shot group overlays have been recognized as new records.
Here are the target images. The first row shows four separate targets. The second rows shows the consolidated overlay of 40 shots, along with consolidated score numbers.
Record 1, 13.2 mm Consolidated Group (Score 426.7)
Michael Baumann, Bleiker Rifle, Eley lot 1014–01002
Record 2, 12.4 mm Consolidated Group (Score 427.7)
Michael Baumann, Bleiker Rifle, Eley lot 1014–06005
The first record was a 40-shot, 13.2 mm group (Score 426.7), which broke the previous record by 0.1 mm. The second record (using the same equipment) was a fantastic group size of 12.4 mm (Score 427.7), breaking the new record by 0.8 mm. Both records were set with Eley rimfire ammo produced in 2014 just 10 days before the test.
ELEY now offers three Test Ranges located in Birmingham UK, Stuttgart Germany, and Winters, Texas. All three ranges have two 50-meter lanes ideal for testing .22 Rifles and Free Pistols. USA and German ranges also have the ability to test Free Pistols and Rapid Fire Pistols at 25m. For more information on Eley’s customer test ranges, go to:
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